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The Recovery ePackage
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So that you can go back to living your BEST life!
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Have you been through a very stressful event or period? Do you have trouble getting out of bed or even if you just woke up, you still feel tired? If so, chances are, you are experiencing symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue.
The Adrenal Fatigue Recovery Package is written and created by Jorden Immanuel. It contains ALL the information and the tools that you need to get MORE energy and to fight off your fatigue.
This is what's included:
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(Take the Quiz)
Take the Adrenal Fatigue Quiz to see how many of the common Adrenal Fatigue symptoms you have.
There are in total 30 questions and should take less than 4 minutes. Ready, go!
Adrenal Fatigue can have several signs and symptoms, but as the name implies, the most telling symptom of Adrenal Fatigue is indeed “fatigue”. People who suffer from Adrenal Fatigue tend to feel tired and sleepy throughout the whole day. And this doesn’t go away after a good night’s sleep! While fatigue is the most common complaint, there are also other symptoms you may be experiencing.
Adrenal Fatigue is caused by lower levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol, adrenaline, and neurotransmitters. These declines in hormones and neurotransmitters together with the disruption in the daily cortisol cycle, are basically responsible for many of the adrenal fatigue symptoms. Because every person is different, every sufferer from Adrenal Fatigue usually has slightly different symptoms. However, there are some common complaints.
Most (if not all) people that suffer from Adrenal Fatigue experience symptoms like fatigue, an inability to handle stress, and cravings for certain types of foods. But there are also some less common symptoms reported by a smaller group of people. These symptoms include frequent urination, cold hands and feet and hairloss.
As each person is unique, the symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue can also vary from person to person. Not everyone with Adrenal Fatigue experiences the same symptoms or develops every symptom. Below we have grouped the common complaints that Adrenal Fatigue sufferers report.
The symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue can be grouped into the following main areas:
Clinical Signs
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Unfortunately, there is no magic pill that heals your adrenals and that fights off your fatigue and other symptoms. It generally takes years to develop Adrenal Fatigue and it also takes some time and dedication to recover from it.
Luckily there are a number of strategies that you can follow to recover from Adrenal Fatigue and restore your energy levels back to normal. If you are not sure where to start, have a look at the Adrenal Fatigue Recovery Workbook. It contains all the information and the tools to help you on your way to recovery from Adrenal Fatigue.
It took years of research combined with personal experience to write the Adrenal Fatigue Recovery Workbook. It is a complete product, that contains educational backgrounds, exercises, self-assessments, and all the information that you need to test and identify the cause of your Adrenal Fatigue. You will learn how to restore your energy levels, how to keep them up, and ultimately how to recover and keep Adrenal Fatigue from coming back.
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel and read a stockpile of books. We have already collected everything you need to know about stress management, diet, exercise, supplementation, hormone replacement therapy, and much more. It may take some time for full recovery, but once you start expect to see your energy levels improving within weeks. You will literally kickstart your recovery. The good part is that this invaluable information costs you less than 20 minutes of counseling/ therapy would cost you!